An accident at work can happen at any time. With the help of a workers compensation attorney Salem Oregon employees can get the help that they need. Insurance agents work to settle quickly and for as little as possible. By having an attorney in your corner, you ensure that you get the benefits that are owed to you.

Medical Benefits
A number of medical benefits can be provided to you. This includes getting all of your care and rehabilitation covered through the workers compensation case. By working with an attorney, you can ensure that you are getting the necessary attention. Even mileage to and from the various medical facilities can be included as part of your benefit.
Disability Benefits
In some instances, an accident can lead to more permanent injuries. Some of the workers compensation benefits that you may be entitled to can provide you with disability benefits that compensate for your limitations. In some cases, the compensation can be provided for the rest of your life.
Vocational Rehabilitation
If you cannot go back to your previous job because of your new disability, there are options available to you. The state can provide vocational rehabilitation. If you can’t perform the job you have always performed, you can be retrained at a school or college. You can be covered for up to 18 months while you complete a program so that you have the ability to work in a new field.
Once you get injured at work, it’s important to sit down with a Worker’s Compensation attorney. This way, you can discuss the various options that are available to you. You can have legal counsel every step of the way, ensuring that you get what is owed to you.