Selecting a lawyer / lawyer who will accompany you in a case requires a special attention. The things you must pay attention to are as follows
a. Advocate / lawyer license.
Choose a lawyer who has a license as an attorney / advocate, that is, who has a swearing-in report by the High Court. Without a license, do not immediately trust someone as an advocate. This needs to be the main concern of those of you who want to use Lawyer Services / Advocates because today there are many practices of “bamboo pokrol” which are carried out by members of the community.
Choose a lawyer who has a license as an attorney / advocate, that is, who has a swearing-in report by the High Court. Without a license, do not immediately trust someone as an advocate. This needs to be the main concern of those of you who want to use Lawyer Services / Advocates because today there are many practices of “bamboo pokrol” which are carried out by members of the community.
b. Flying Hours / Practice Experience.
The level or number of flight hours is also calculated, but it also does not guarantee that lawyers / lawyers will successfully complete your case. You can ask how far the attorney / lawyer has mastered the case.
c. Style.
Each lawyer / advocate has a style that is different from each other. Believe it does not believe it turns out that in my experience the style of a lawyer also influences the level of success in completing a case.
d. Service / Service.
It’s strange that there are lawyers / advocates who are difficult to contact with their clients but honestly there are many lawyers like that.
For those of you who are choosing lawyers / advocates, my advice should be to ask him (the lawyer) before, what you get when choosing him as a lawyer and what form of communication. It is important not to let you choose as a lawyer / advocate when you are tired of playing “chase” with the lawyer / advocate.
e. Having a fixed office.
A trusted lawyer / advocate must have a permanent and non-mobile office if the lawyer does not have a permanent office, it will be difficult for his client who will later deal with the lawyer ..