If you’ve been injured on the job, you might be entitled to workers’ compensation. While specific situations such as being intoxicated or causing a self-inflicted injury will most likely be denied, most work injuries should receive coverage regardless of who is to blame for the injury. However, if you are experiencing issues with insurance or receiving the coverage you need, you should seek help from a workers’ compensation lawyer. If you meet any of the following criteria, consider getting legal help right away.

Your Worker’s Compensation Case Has Been Denied or Left Unanswered

While there are many reasons an insurance company might try to deny your claim, you should seek assistance from a lawyer before attempting to appeal the denial. The appeal process often requires you to provide evidence that your injury was work-related and state your case at a hearing. You have a much better chance of being successful if you hire a lawyer to represent you. You should also quickly get in contact with a lawyer if a lot of time has passed since submitting your case without receiving a response.

You Are Not Receiving Adequate Medical Treatment

If you were released from your doctor’s care but you feel you are still in need of medical treatment or the insurance company is delaying an expensive medical treatment you need, a lawyer can help ensure you get the treatment you need in a timely manner. You should also seek help if you were assigned a disability rating from the doctor that you feel is lower than you are entitled to.

You Are Not Receiving Adequate Compensation

Sometimes an insurance company might understate your average weekly wage, which directly affects how much you’re compensated for the injury. Another problematic situation that sometimes occurs is not receiving weekly checks even though your claim has been approved. In either of these situations, a lawyer can help you receive the compensation you deserve.

You Are Fired Immediately Following an Injury

If you are injured at work and fired quickly after, you should seek legal advice if you suspect you were only fired for suffering an injury or making a workers’ compensation claim. Your employer cannot legally terminate your job due to a work-related injury. However, if you are fired or laid off for a reason that is unrelated to your injury, you should still receive weekly checks and other benefits in most situations.